The human body is really an amazing thing and whenever it is working properly, we typically don't consider the fact that it is working at all. Whenever things go wrong, however, that seems to be all that we can think about. This is especially the case whenever we are having problems that are inconvenient as well as painful and life-changing.Ulcerative colitis is one of those situations, although you might be surprised to learn that it is actually similar to Crohn's disease.

   There are a variety of different problems that we may run into with our digestive tract. Many individuals have colitis in some form or another and others may have Crohn's disease, a similar problem which causes inflammation in the lining of the digestive tract. These two different diseases have very similar symptoms, such as pain and diarrhea. You might be interested to know, however, that these are two very distinct diseases and you typically only have one or the other, not a combination which could be calledCrohn's colitis.

   Ulcerative colitis is similar to Crohn's disease but thesigns of Crohn's disease have several distinct differences. The diseased area is always continuous with ulcerative colitis and relegated to just the colon and rectum. However, with Crohn's disease, areas of healthy tissue can separate diseased sections and can attack the body anywhere from the mouth to the anus. Crohn's can affect any or all layers of the colon, while ulcerative colitis only affects the inside layer. Of course, the biggest difference is that ulcerative colitis can be cured by removing the diseased area. However, at this point in time, there is no cure for Crohn's disease. Surgery may lead to remission, but eventually the Crohn's disease will return.

   If you are dealing with either of these conditions, however, the treatment may be very similar. A doctor will be able to prescribe drugs such as anti-inflammatory medication which may help with the condition. More than likely, you are going to find some relief by adjusting your lifestyle and changing your diet to avoid such things as dairy products and high fat foods. You might also want to consider lowering your stress levels as this can often bring the situation to a peak as well. It is going to take some persistence on your part in order to overcome the symptoms but it will be well worth the effort when you finally get some relief. Obviously, since surgery can be an option, knowing whether you have ulcerative colitis or can recognize thesigns of  Crohn's disease can make all the difference in the world.

crohn's cure

crohn's support

crohn's pain

Is there a Crohn's cure; unfortunately, no.  But, a Crohn's treatment consisting of diet, medication and healthy lifestyle choices can minimize the Crohn's complications.